Friday, 10 October 2014

Conspiracy Theory Case Study - US President Is an Alien

Yes, conspiracy theories are fun to think about and they are interesting for late-night radio, and quite a few science fiction writers have done quite well sprinkling around a few tall tales in the conspiratorial world in order to sell more books, and make more movies. Still, it's important to keep a skeptical mind at all times, and try to keep everything in a humorous perspective when it comes to these things, after all, you don't want to lose your grip on reality. Okay so, for today's conspiracy theory case study I would like to discuss with you the crazy notion that the US president is an alien.
First, I would submit to you that the reason that these rumors get started, is that politics is a very dirty game, and often to incite anger, animosity, or even unfortunately hatred, the opposition party will attempt to dehumanize those on the other side of the political spectrum. Of course, the president, whichever party he is from becomes the symbol for that particular political persuasion. Therefore, it should not surprise you that anyone would be calling him an alien.
When I talk about aliens, I'm not talking about illegal aliens, or in this case President Obama's birth certificate, that's a whole other conspiracy theory, that I won't get into in this article. I'm talking about actual alien beings, in other words the president is not a human, he is an alien in disguise, where as some of these conspiracy theorists say a shape shifting alien. And it's not just about President Obama, they tried the same thing with President Bush, Bill Clinton, and President Bush Senior as well. There were conspiracy theories that each of those gentlemen were aliens, and not from this world.
You probably heard the conspiracy theory that they were reptilians, or shape shifters. Interestingly enough, there is enough evidence proving they aren't, however these conspiracy theories in the paranormal realm continue. Regardless of who is president next, or if President Obama gets reelected, these stories will continue. If not with our current president, that whoever gets elected. Is it human nature to do this? Dehumanizing your enemy is something that happens in war, business, and in sports. The other team, other army, or other company is not normal, they are not worthy, and they are not even humans.
Interestingly enough, we tend to develop names for our enemies to degrade them into something which we might consider less than human. The image of a reptilian is one attempt to do that, and the concept of shape shifting from something else which is perhaps hideous and ugly from a human point of view is another way to do that, and I would submit to you that this is what is happening with this particular conspiratorial theory, and that it is false. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Science Fiction Short Stories. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Conspiracy Theory Case Study - Global Elite Wants to Remove Two Thirds of the Population

If you are one to enjoy conspiracy theories, perhaps you listen to late-night radio. For a number of years I had done this while traveling around the country because I enjoyed driving at night when there was no traffic. I would simply turn on the late-night radio, and listen to whatever tall tales and conspiracy theories they could come up with. Interestingly enough, most of them are plausibly deniable, and some of these crazy stories may actually be true, or at least parts of them are true enough to keep the natives restless. Okay so, let's talk about one of these conspiratorial stories as a case study.
Perhaps you've heard that conspiracy that "The New World Order" is going to take over the world, and a group of elites, billionaires, and the proverbial Rothschild family, and all of these sorts of folks are planning the demise of billions of people on the planet. Because they say there are too many humans, too many mouths to feed, and all those people simply aren't needed. Well, when you take apart a conspiracy theory, you have to look at all the evidence, and try to reason if it even makes sense. And you have to decide who gains by such an action, and who loses.
Now then, if there are fewer people in the world, then we don't need as much production capacity, we don't need as many people working, and therefore all those people aren't needed. Question is what to do with them. You could wait a few generations, and see that they don't have so many offspring, or you can find ways to see their early demise perhaps from disease, lack of food, war, or some cataclysmic event. Mother Nature has done a good job that wiping out scores of people, but not on the scale it would take to get rid of let's say two thirds of the population which is how this conspiracy theory plays it.
Now then, the reality is that human beings are a pretty resilient species, and they're pretty hard to get rid of. It's hard to kill them off by disease, and they seem to be smart enough not to let wars get too far out of hand or kill too many people. World War II killed a significant number of people, but compared to the number of people on the planet, well, not so much. Bird Flu could be significant, if it were custom tailored for the most ruthless of pandemics, but humans again are pretty smart, and would probably rise to the occasion with the production of massive numbers of vaccine kits. Then logistically, they find a way to get them to each and every person, and therefore stop it pretty quick. Yes, it could kill a significant number of people, but you'd be surprised, as humans adapt quite quickly, their bodies are incredible, and they just aren't easy to get rid of.
Further, in looking at this conspiracy theory you have to ask yourself if it makes sense. If the global elite can control more people, there will be a more abundance for them at the top, and more production and economic activity as well. They stand to gain by expansion of the balloon or pie, as they will always hold a greater percentage. Therefore, this particular conspiracy theory doesn't really make any sense. Thus, it probably fails. So it's time you came up with a better one. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks; Science Fiction Shorts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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